Please Help Stamp Out OMG

           “Thou shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain.”  Gn 20:7  [The second commandment.]
I frequently hear people - from very small children to adults of all ages - use the name of God in vain!  "In vain" means "for no good reason". That "slang" expression is a MORTAL sin and a scourge in these times!

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Second Commandment, no. 2143 (pg. 518), "...He will not introduce it (the word “God”) into his own speech EXCEPT to bless, praise, and glorify it."

The name of God is NOT a verbal exclamation point or a texting term expressing amazement. People who will complain all day about "profanity" on TV, in the movies, and coming from the mouths of their fellow human beings, don't even realize they are disparaging and sinning against the Good Lord every time THEY use the name of God in vain with "Oh my God", or OMG.  Or when they pay no mind when their children. "friends", and associates do likewise.

What can YOU do to help stamp out this VERY serious problem?

     1.  Consider your own speech patterns and watch YOUR mouth accordingly (in conversation, e-mail, texting, etc.).
     2.  Counsel and educate your children and friends.  [And ask your children’s religious teachers to do likewise.]
     3.  Express, in no uncertain terms, your personal objection to the use of the name of God in vain - to everyone you hear just blast it out of their mouth.  You may not be well received but those that do not want to show respect to God and obey His laws are NOT the folks that are doing you any "good".  Familiarity breeds use of the same words and expressions.  Just because they don't have a "respect-for-God" filter between their brains and their mouths, does NOT mean you need to act likewise.
     4.  Include the link to this web page ( in your e-mail signature block...and have a heartfelt conversation with anyone that asks what it's all about.
     5.  Consider having t-shirts or other apparel made up which incorporate a brief  statement - see the example below.  Without even speaking  you have passed the word.

If this message has irritated you, that is great!  Possibly it will help sensitize you to what's going on around you - in your daily conversations, in those of your children, and in those of others around you.  And remember, mortal sin and Holy Communion do NOT mix. Open your mouth then cross your arms over your heart come Sunday mass.

Your help in stamping out the OMG scourge WILL be much appreciated, especially by the One that  matters most.  Thank you and God bless!

NOTE: While this message makes reference to Roman Catholic teachings - because the author is a Roman Catholic - it applies to anyone that respects God.  

Text example for apparel:
"...He will not introduce it (the word “God”)
into his own speech EXCEPT to bless,
praise, and glorify it." (CCC no. 2143)